Plan your New Greenhouse Calender

It is time to plan next year’s cultivation in the greenhouse. Christine from Spirekasses gives tips on how to plan the next season in the greenhouse. For instance, she always starts by looking through her greenhouse calendar to see what she has accomplished throughout the past year.

A year has soon passed, and what a year. The climate crises have been replaced with a war in Europe and an energy crisis. The food prices have gone up, and we who love greenhouses, love greenhouses even more. The greenhouse can contribute to stable self-sufficiency all year around.

In a short time, we welcome 2023. It is time to plan next year’s cultivation in the greenhouse. I always start by looking through my greenhouse calendar and see what I have accomplished through the year.

Your Greenhouse Calender

What worked? What needs to be changed? Use about 10 mins to write this down.

Were you happy with the number of plants? Did you have enough tomato plants? Did u miss any sorts? Should you have grown that aubergine as you said you would? Was there to few or to many spicy chilis? You probably have all sorts of different questions you can ask yourself.

Spring in the greenhouse

Summer in the greenhouse

Spirekassens Thoughts on 2022 and 2023

We have two greenhouses. And older orangery and a new Juliana greenhouse. In 2022 we discovered that 30 to 40 tomato plants were too much. We avoided blossom rot by having a healthy climate in our greenhouse and by combining rainwater and boring water. Aubergines are really fun to grow and well suited to grow in pots.

Our Juliana

In the start of spring, we started germinating our flowers.

The past year, we did not have enough pepper and chilli plants. Next year, we want more!

On our list is also to grow more aubergines.We want to grow dwarf tomatoes and tomatoes grown in hanging pots.

Our new Juliana greenhouse is lovely, but too hot. We need shade curtains.

More mobile beds, to change our interior if we want to.

But we will keep our excellent table and the 10 workstations for our 2023 greenhouse.

Our Old Orangery

From march, we welcome spring with a big bed of tulips and daffodils.

Fewer tomato plants during the summer.

More flowers. For example, Celosia argentea, that thrives in the greenhouse.

Earlier prepping for winter cultivation.

More shadow curtains.

It is very important to evaluate the past year. But do it BEFORE you start buying new seeds, new gear for growing and equipment for the greenhouse. Think about what can be reused. It is often common sense.

Tips and Guidelines

A tomato or cucumber per square kilometre is huge.

An example, if you have a 10 km2 greenhouse, you should not have more than 10 tomato plants of normal size, in your greenhouse.

It is a good, but boring rule, to the plant enthusiast.  However, it is a great guideline in order to ensure a healthy climate for your greenhouse. To many plants and you will have a hard time keeping your greenhouse healthy. A crowded greenhouse is harder to air out and fungal diseases are more likely to occur. This rule will help you remember not to plant to many plants.​​​​​​​


Plannning the upcoming season in the greenhouse and garden.

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Juliana Gruppen er en førende global leverandør af kvalitetsdrivhuse til private. Virksomheden blev grundlagt i 1963 af Mogens A. Stærmose i Odense, Danmark. Den familieejede virksomhed ejes i dag af 3. generation, Nikolaj Stærmose. Hovedkontoret og fremstillingen er stadig beliggende i Odense med datterselskaber i Storbritannien og Tyskland. Juliana Gruppen eksporterer til mere end 20 lande.

’We help people grow’. Derfor sætter vores brands Halls, Juliana og Gabriel Ash rammen for oplevelser, der er lige så naturlige, som de er magiske. Til trods for vores lange historie er vi fremadskuende og nysgerrige på, hvordan vi kan forbedre bæredygtigheden af vores drivhuse. Få mere at vide om Juliana her på siden og find inspiration til dit drivhusliv i vores store inspirationsunivers.