
​​​​​​Here you will find assembly videoes as an addition to the assembly instructions for your Juliana greenhouse.

Juliana Greenhouses

Assembly of Foundation and Greenhouse

You must ensure that the base is level. Measure the base diagonally to square it. The two diagonal measurements must be equal. If not the greenhouse cannot be assembled because the frame and glazing will not fit.

Assembly and Adjusting of Foundation to Juliana Greenhouse

Juliana Greenhouses

Assembly of the Sides, Gables, Roof, and Windows

Assemble the sides, gabels, roof, drain, and windows. The assembly videos can be watched as a supplement to the assembly guides, which is included when buying a greenhouse.

Assembly of the Sides of a Juliana Greenhouse

Juliana Greenhouses

Glass for a Juliana Greenhouse

Your greenhouse is now assembled, and ready for the glass to be put in. These videos show how to insert glass/polycarbonate into the greenhouse, the different types of glass available for a greenhouse, the importance of centering tempered glass when inserting the glass into the greenhouse, and how to open a glass case. The assembly videos are viewed as a supplement to the assembly instructions that are included with the purchase of your greenhouse.

Opening of glass cradle

Specific Juliana Greenhouses

Assembly of Parts on Specific Juliana Oase & Grand Oase

There is a difference between assembling the classically shaped greenhouses and our oasis greenhouse models. This video collection shows how to assemble the skeleton, assemble and fit the roof, attach and adjust the hat, and the sequence of inserting the roof glass. The assembly videos are viewed as a supplement to the assembly instructions that are included with the purchase of your greenhouse.

Juliana Oase - Assembly and Attaching the Roof

Specific Juliana Greenhouses

Assembly of Parts on Specific Juliana Dwarf Wall-Models

When assembling the greenhouse wall model, few other principles apply. These videos show how to install the sides on the foundation itself, installation of wooden cladding on the purchased wall foundation as well as installation of downpipes on a greenhouse with a wall foundation. The assembly videos are viewed as a supplement to the assembly instructions that are included with the purchase of your greenhouse.

Juliana Grand Oase Dwarf Wall - Assembly

Specific Juliana Greenhouse

Assembly of Parts on Specific Juliana Orangeri

The Juliana Orangeri greenhouse has a bay window in the profile construction. These videos show how to install the roof in the bay window and how to insert the glass in the roof in the bay window. The assembly videos are viewed as a supplement to the assembly instructions that are included with the purchase of your greenhouse.

Juliana Orangeri - Roof in Bay

Specific Juliana Greenhouse

Assembly of Juliana Urban

The Urban greenhouses are assembled in three different ways. These videos show how to assemble the City Greenhouse, Vertical and Balcony. The assembly videos are viewed as a supplement to the assembly instructions that are included with the purchase of your greenhouse.

Juliana Urban City Greenhouse - Assembly

Specific Juliana Greenhouses

Assembly of Juliana Junior (discontinued model)

With Juliana Junior, different principles apply when you have to mount the window on the greenhouse. The assembly videos are viewed as a supplement to the assembly instructions.

Juliana Junior - Assembly of Window with Polycarbonate

Greenhouse Accessories

Use and assembling of accessories


Juliana - Ventomax Window Opener

Juliana - Univent Window Opener


Assembly Instructions - Min-Max Thermometer

Guide - How to Use Min-Max Thermometer


Juliana Assembly Instructions - Plant Shelf

Juliana Assembly Instructions - Integral Staging and Shelving

Juliana Assembly Instructions - Tablet Holder

Juliana Assembly Instructions - Candle Holder

Juliana Assembly Instructions - Bag Holder

Juliana Assembly Instructions - Plant Pot Holder

Juliana Assembly Instructions - Solar LED Lamp


Juliana Assembly Instructions - Roller Blinds

Juliana Assembly Instructions - Suspension Hooks

Juliana Assembly Instructions - Wireset

Juliana Assembly Instructions - Plant Spirals

Juliana Assembly Instructions - Fitting Box

Specifikke Halls-drivhuse

Montage af dele på specifikke Halls modeller

Halls Altan

Halls Altan - montage af dør

Halls Altan - montage af vindue

Halls Universal & Magnum

Halls Universal & Magnum - montage af dør

Halls Universal & Magnum - montage af vindue

Halls Universal & Magnum - påsætning af H-liste

Halls Universal & Magnum - samling af dør

Halls Universal & Magnum - samling af sider

Halls Universal & Magnum - samling af vindue

Halls Atrium

Halls Atrium - samling af dør

Halls Atrium - samling af vindue

​​​​​​​Halls Outrium

Halls Outrium - montage af flueben

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Familieejet dansk virksomhed med produktion i Odense

Finder du på Juliana, Halls og Gabriel Ash drivhuse


Juliana Gruppen er en førende global leverandør af kvalitetsdrivhuse til private. Virksomheden blev grundlagt i 1963 af Mogens A. Stærmose i Odense, Danmark. Den familieejede virksomhed ejes i dag af 3. generation, Nikolaj Stærmose. Hovedkontoret og fremstillingen er stadig beliggende i Odense med datterselskaber i Storbritannien og Tyskland. Juliana Gruppen eksporterer til mere end 20 lande.

’We help people grow’. Derfor sætter vores brands Halls, Juliana og Gabriel Ash rammen for oplevelser, der er lige så naturlige, som de er magiske. Til trods for vores lange historie er vi fremadskuende og nysgerrige på, hvordan vi kan forbedre bæredygtigheden af vores drivhuse. Få mere at vide om Juliana her på siden og find inspiration til dit drivhusliv i vores store inspirationsunivers.